
Economic Calendar

Stay informed and up to date with global events and data releases with our economic calendar

Market Trading Hours Monday To Friday

New York









Hong Kong






What is the economic calendar?

In the world of trading, information is one of your most valuable assets. The economic calendar provides you with a chronological overview of significant financial events that occur around the globe. These include GDP announcements, employment rate announcements, interest rate decisions, and many other economic indicators that can impact the market. The interactive economic calendar provides you with the ability to track and monitor these financial or economic events as well as the ability to receive information the moment it is released.

Why is the economic calendar important in trading?

Trading involves analysis to help you anticipate and predict price movements in the market. Understanding how economic indicators and financial events affect market sentiment and currency values is essential for helping you to make informed trading decisions. Here’s what the economic calendar can help you with:

  • Anticipating market movements

    By keeping an eye on scheduled economic releases, traders can predict potential market reactions and volatility to trade or adjust their fundamental outlook and strategy.

  • Finding trading opportunities

    High-impact data releases can create a significant impact in the market, creating opportunities to trade. Savvy traders use this information to avoid trading around these times or position themselves to capture moves from increases in price volatility.

  • Risk Management

    Knowing when significant announcements are due can help you manage risk, as these financial events can lead to increased market volatility.

  • Insights into economic health

    Economic data provides traders with a deeper understanding of the economic health of a country, which can influence long-term currency valuations.

How to use the economic calendar

The interactive economic calendar is designed to be user-friendly and provide you with the data you need to make better informed trading decisions.

Configure your setting and filter information

Tailor the economic calendar according to your needs by adjusting the time zone to match your local time for accurate tracking.

Then select the countries you are interested in monitoring and filter events by their importance level. Events marked with a high importance are likely to have the highest impact on currency valuations.

Understand the information layout

Each event on the calendar will inform you of the following:

  • Date and time: When the event is scheduled to occur.

  • Country: The country releasing the economic data and the currency it will likely affect.

  • Event: A brief description of the event or the economic data being released.

  • Importance: An indicator showing the expected impact level on the market (low, medium, high).

  • Actual: Updated the moment after the event with the actual released data.

  • Forecast: The anticipated data based on analysts forecasts.

  • Previous: The previously released data

Traders compare the actual data with the forecast and trade according to whether this is better or worse than expected or positive or negative for the currency.

Track and analyze economic events

Using the economic calendar, keep an eye on or create alerts for significant upcoming events that may affect your trades or provide new trading opportunities. The economic calendar also records historical data allowing you to monitor a country's economic health, as well as providing insights into how the data has impacted currency valuations. Using it effectively requires understanding, regular engagement and analysis. It should be used with other indicators to help provide a comprehensive analysis of the markets.


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